On the cold days, Nuthatch, Long tailed, Great, Coal and Blue tits have visited the garden feeders, along with Robin, Dunnock and 'Hoppy' the Grey Wagtail who overwinters here.
A White Wagtail was at Moor Green Lakes on the 24th, they are not an uncommon bird at the reserve and can normally be seen on odd occasions throughout the year.
Good numbers of Snipe have been seen throughout the month, with forty six reported on Christmas eve.
On the same day, a male Red Crested Pochard was at Grove Lake, where it stayed for a number of days before departing the reserve.
Common Gull numbers have increased with a high of twenty five seen at the lake near the Western end of the gravel extraction area.
Finally for those that celebrate it, I wish you all a very Happy New Year. For those that don't celebrate it, I wish you peace and happiness.