On the birding front, it has been an interesting month. On the 5th, I was at my local patch, Moor Green Lakes, Berkshire, when a raptor flew across the diggings, east to west. At first glance, it looked like a Buzzard, but this bird had a longer tail and slimmer head and neck, a HONEY BUZZARD, dark phase juvenile, a rare visitor to the county. It didn't stop, but continued west until it was out of sight.
On the 9th, it was off to my old favourite location, Keyhaven/Pennington marshes, Hampshire, on a warm and sunny day. Birds were in abundance, with 76 varieties seen on the day, including, WHEATEAR, WHINCHAT, SEDGE WARBLER, WHITETHROAT, YELLOW WAGTAIL, WILLOW WARBLER, LITTLE STINT, SANDERLING, CURLEW SANDPIPER, RUFF and most of the more usual waders, gulls and terns. A great day and a total that I will probably find hard to beat.
A visit to Tice's Meadow, Aldershot, Hampshire, took place on the 15th, where the water levels had been lowered to expose more mud, which proved very successful in attracting amongst others, PECTORAL SANDPIPER, RUFF, LITTLE STINT, GREENSHANK, RINGED PLOVER, PINTAIL and SNIPE.
A REED WARBLER flew into the reedbed from the west, whilst I was sitting in the Grove Lake hide at Moor Green Lakes on the 19th. It worked its way through the reeds, from one side to the other, feeding as it went. It then flew off towards the south east, to continue its migration.
My first WATER RAIL of the year was seen on the 23rd, at Moor Green, but it did give very good views. One hundred plus HOUSE MARTIN were feeding over the Moor Green car park on the 25th, before moving off south.