On the 8th, a very smart looking LESSER WHITETHROAT, briefly stopped at the New Workings, Moor Green, where it spent a few minutes catching insects, before it flew off across the river heading south on migration. On the 11th, a pair of REED WARBLERS were seen, flying to and fro' gathering food in front of a hide at Moor Green and then returning to the same location in a nearby reed bed. I can only presume, that they were still feeding a late brood. HOBBY have been seen regularly, hawking for dragonflies, the latter being seen in good numbers. The LAPWING flock have steadily increased, now that the breeding season is over.
It was off to Farlington Marshes, Hampshire, on the 29th. On arrival I was caught in a heavy shower, which eventually blew over and the sun came out. Migration was certainly evident here as I saw nine WHINCHAT, all perched vitually together on a fence. Three WHEATEAR, twenty or so YELLOW WAGTAIL, which were following a herd of cows around the field and an OSPREY, perched on one of the posts on an island out in the channel. The OSPREY was being mobbed by a PEREGRINE at the time, but the OSPREY didn't seem at all perturbed. This is a good area to see migrating OSPREY in spring or autumn and their numbers, which have increased steadily over the years can all but guarantee a sighting of these wonderful birds.