On the 11th it was off to Keyhaven/Pennington, Hampshire on a beautiful spring day where two Little Gull were seen, an adult in splendid summer plumage and a first summer juvenile. The adult had the lovely pink colour to its breast.
Also there of note was a Dark Bellied Brent goose.
On the 17th at Moor Green lakes, Berkshire, were Swallow, Shelduck, Dunlin, Blackcap, Little Ringed Plover and Whimbrel.
The Blue Tit that is nesting in the box in the garden laid her first egg on the 17th and by the 26th there was nine, which she seemed satisfied with as she started to incubate them. Hopefully in about two weeks time, the chicks should hatch.
A trip to Wishmoor Bottom, Berkshire on the 19th a hot and sunny day resulted in the sighting of a lovely male Pied Flycatcher, which flew from a bush in front of me and into a nearby pine tree. Unfortunately it then disappeared from view, which I wasn't able to relocate.
Other birds seen there were, Willow Warbler, Redstart, Lesser Redpoll and a Cuckoo.