With the colder weather, Redwing numbers at Moor green started to increase, but still not up to the large flocks of previous years, probably due to there being plentiful food much further north. As yet I have still not seen a single Fieldfare, possibly for the same reason as the Redwing. Other reasons could be Global Warming or Avian Flu.
Goosander numbers also started to increase, but duck numbers were still down on previous years.
My first sighting of a mixed flock of Siskin and Lesser Redpoll were seen on the 13th along with the Tawny Owl. On the same day a pair of Raven flew across Colebrook lake North making their familiar kronking sound.
By the end of the month Redwing numbers had increased to a flock of forty or so birds, which was good to see.
Finally for those that celebrate it, I wish you all a very Happy New Year. For those that don't celebrate it, I wish you peace and happiness.